SWPM - the Software Provisioning Manager integrates the classical tools like sapinst, ehpup, etc for the maintenance/installation of SAP systems
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Daily monitoring and maintenance of your systems. Together with you, we create a catalog of measures to ensure the optimal operation of your SAP landscape.
Parameters in the SAP create a high degree of flexibility. Profiles can be used to configure the system for almost any purpose. But with such a large number of parameters one quickly loses an overview of the influence of each parameter. For storage management alone, there are 20 different parameters that can be changed at different points in the SAP system. This article brings order to the mess and explains the most important parameters. There are three types of memory in the SAP system for a work process: ・ Roll Area - Local Memory Area for a Work Process ・ Extended Memory - Global Memory Area for All Work Processes ・ Private Storage /Dynamic Memory (Private Memory/Heap Memory) - Private Memory Overview of SAP System Memory Regions Parameters for the Rolling Range When a user starts a programme, a role area is created for that programme instance through a workprocess. The user context is stored in this memory area. The size of the roll area for a work process is determined by the ztta/roll_first parameter. If the storage area is not sufficient, a portion of the Advanced Memory will be allocated for the user context, the size of which will be determined by ztta/roll_extension, ztta/roll_extension_dia, and ztta/roll_extension_nondia. The latter two override ztta/roll_extension if used and offer the possibility to set different quotas for dialogue and non-dialogue work processes.
Typical tools in the SAP Basis environment include:
Only one transaction code can be entered here, otherwise a single role would always be searched, which includes all transactions searched for and is assigned to the respective user. However, since the transactions can also be assigned to the user via different roles, this would not be useful. If you use the above Input variants are also only considered transactions that have been maintained in the role menu. If it is not certain whether the transaction was entered in the menu or in the S_TCODE privilege object of the role, up to four transactions can also be checked by searching through the S_TCODE permission object. Important is the attention and appropriate use of the AND/OR relationship. After the query is executed, the roles that contain the requested transaction and are associated with the user are now displayed. If you use the search through the S_TCODE permission object, the following result page appears. When looking at the result, in addition to limiting the number of transactions that can be entered, another drawback of this variant becomes apparent: Although both associated roles are displayed, at first glance it is not possible to see which transaction is contained in which role. To do this, the roles would have to be considered individually. If more transactions with user assignment are to be identified at the same time and the role assignment is to be seen directly, the use of the transaction SE16N is recommended.
In order to meet the growing integration and coordination between internal IT departments and external service providers and suppliers, it is necessary to include a company-wide interface department in the IT organisation. The SAP basis can assume the coordination role and interface function in the environment of SAP products and technologies.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
Most people believe that mining is a process in which a cryptocurrency is created.
However, it does not always make sense to use only automated test scripts.