SAP Basis Why does a company need an SAP Basis department? [Using our company as an example] - SAP Basis

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Why does a company need an SAP Basis department? [Using our company as an example]
Because hybrid landscapes are seen as the operating model of the future, it is necessary to develop monitoring strategies for this. What is important is an end-to-end view based on the process and not just an individual view of the systems, services or components involved. This supports the requirement of a company-wide interface function of the SAP basis.

This point may sound a little trivial at first. Who tests, surely documents this? Experience shows: Yes, but often patchy. In the case of unsuccessful tests, where subsequent or additional developments are due and the cause of the error is not directly apparent at first glance, good result documentation often pays off. This saves developers time in communication and effort by re-imagining the scenario. At this point, the SAP Solution Manager offers extensive opportunities to manage templates and result documents centrally and in the individual test plans. Automated testing only Automated testing offers many advantages, whether it is a higher software quality through more comprehensive test coverage or reusability of test cases. However, it does not always make sense to use only automated test scripts. A less good choice is the test automation for frequently changing software or processes, because the maintenance effort can be enormous. At this point, it is often more effective to run manual test runs instead of spending a lot of time customising test scripts. Poor test preparation The relevant processes have been defined, the test plans have been created and the test period has begun - so can testing begin? Not always. Lack of test preparation often leads to unplanned additional time costs. Sometimes the testers were not familiar with the test environment or no one thought about taking care of a sufficient and current test data set (master data, movement data). Make sure you have thought of everything you need! (missing test data, unrepresentative test environment, unstable).
How are blockchain and digital currencies related? Blockchain technology provides the basis for the existence of a decentralised digital currency. Such a currency is an application that can be executed on the basis of an underlying blockchain. However, the blockchain offers many more applications, such as ownership, identification, communication, etc. , all of which want to get rid of a central controlling party. Blockchain: is the immutable transaction history of a decentralised community. Cryptocurrency: An application of blockchain technology to use a blockchain to secure information about the currency via cryptography. What is Mining? Mining is one of the most misunderstood things about cryptocurrencies. Most people believe that mining is a process in which a cryptocurrency is created. But that is wrong. Mining is a process in a decentralised system to build consensus. Consensus means consent and agreement on what happened and what didn't. In a central system, the central institution does that. For example, a bank with all its advantages and disadvantages. In a decentralised system, the Community decides. To avoid any disagreements, "Mining" is used as one of the possibilities.

In this article on SAP Security Automation I would like to take a look at the future of automated processes in the SAP Security area. For many companies, the topic of security automation still offers a lot of potential in terms of time savings and process optimisation. Our daily work environment offers numerous tasks that could be handled excellently automatically. For this reason, in this article I present two of the possibilities that already exist in the broad area of security automation. Security Automation via SAP Security Check The first option of Security Automation, which I want to introduce here, is the automatic verification of the existing permissions. Have you ever wondered who has critical permissions in your SAP system? And have you ever tried to do this by hand? Depending on the level of expertise and experience of the privilege administrator, this is a time-consuming work. If an audit is also announced and the SAP system is to be checked for critical permissions and segregation of duties, then it is very difficult to meet all requirements and secure the eligibility landscape in this respect. For this reason, various vendors provide solutions to automate the verification of the permission system with regard to critical permissions and segregation of duties using tool support. This allows permission administrators to use their valuable time to correct the errors rather than just looking for them. For example, we use a tool that runs through the verification of over 250 rules. We then get an evaluation of which rules are violated and which points are correct. A simple example of such rules is the use of the SAP_ALL profile. Another would be to grant the jump permission in debugging (S_DEVELOP permission object with the ACTVT = 02 field). These are two relatively simple examples of Security Check tools' rulebook. In addition, queries are also made, which are located in the field of Segregation of Duties. Using this tool allowed us to move from manual validation of critical permissions to an automatic process.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.

The TREXEngine takes the search text in the form of the Query object and provides an intelligent search of keywords and long texts in previously classified documents.

The relevant roles are listed below.
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