SAP Authorizations Analyze user buffer SU56 - SAP Basis

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Analyze user buffer SU56
Perform Risk Analysis with the Critical Permissions Report
In a redesign, we follow the principle of job-related workstation roles to technically map the job profile of the employees. To minimize the effort for the same job profiles with different organizational affiliations, the organizational units are inherited via an additional role. The separation of technical and organizational requirements greatly simplifies role development and modification. If certain people, such as team leaders, require extended authorizations, key user roles are developed for them, which extend the existing job role.

Business objects to which companies refer authorizations are defined in the system as authorization objects. For individual conditions, SAP delivers the authorization objects F_FICO_IND and F_FICO_AIN. With F_FICO_IND you can define which individual conditions are checked when processing the contract depending on the defined authorization fields and their characteristics. Using the authorization object F_FICO_AIN, companies can define whether and how individual conditions are to be checked when processing in the BAPI channel depending on the defined authorization fields and their characteristics.
Check Profit Centre Permissions in FI
Since the introduction of the security policy in SAP NetWeaver 7.31, this report has changed. In older releases, instead of the security policy overview, a profile parameter selection page is offered in the report's startup screen. If you select Show Profile Parameters in this selection view, you will see an overview of the Profile Parameters settings in the upper half of the screen. Here you should pay particular attention to the setting of the parameter login/no_ automatic_user_sapstar and check its setting even after the switch to the security policy.

After the functional specification has been removed, the implementation can begin: To do this, first create your custom authorization object and implement the permission check provided. The next step is to maintain the SU24 transaction proposal values for the respective customer transaction. To do this, call your custom-created transaction and assign the necessary authorization objects either manually by using the Object button, or use the Permissions or System Trace to assign the permissions (see Tip 40, "Using the Permissions Trace to Determine Custom Permissions Proposal Values"). You must leave the authorization objects used in the customer's own coding. For each authorization object, you can maintain field values that appear as suggestion values in the respective roles. Now all the roles concerned must be adapted. If the mixing mode for the transaction PFCG is set to On (see tip 38, "Use transactions SU22 and SU24 correctly"), all PFCG roles assigned to the transaction in the role menu will be recognised and can be remixed via the transaction SUPC. If the customer's transaction is not yet in the PFCG rolls, it will be added here and the respective PFCG role will be remixed.

However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".

With the help of the SAP-Note 1642106 it is possible to automatically perform the text comparison from SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.0.

The difficulty in assigning permissions to the S_DATASET object is determining the correct values for the FILENAME and PROGRAMME fields.
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