Authorization objects
Using suggestion values and how to upgrade
Which authorization objects are checked (SU22)? When calling a transaction, such as the ME23N, various authorization objects are checked. You can get an overview as follows: Call transaction SU22 (SAP tables) or SU24 (customer tables), enter e.g. "ME23N" in "Transaction code" and execute the transaction. As a result you will see all authorization objects that are checked when calling transaction ME23N.
The background to the mass presence of authorization objects in a PFCG role after a role menu has been created is usually the mass of generic OP links that are not actually necessary for the CRMBusiness role. The existence of proposed values from the transaction SU24 loads the proposed authorisation values associated with the respective external services into the PFCG role, which results in too many unnecessary authorization objects being placed there. By excluding the GENERIC_OP_LINKS folder, you only need to take care of the external services and their authorization objects configured in the CRM business role in your PFCG role. For a user to have all the necessary permissions, you now assign the basic role with the permissions to the generic operating links and the actual role that describes the user's desktop.
Authorization objects of the PFCG role
This list in the AGR_1252 table contains both the organisational fields that are shipped in the standard and the fields that you have collected for organisational fields. Unfortunately, the list does not indicate what kind of organisation field it is. But you can find out: Open the PFCG_ORGFIELD_DELETE programme via transaction SA38. The Organisation Level Value Helper (Orgebene) provides a list of all customer-specific organisation fields, because only these can be converted back to normal Permissions Object Fields. Note the implications if you want to actually run this programme.
We now want to describe the necessary settings in the sending application using the example of encrypted sending of initial passwords. To implement this requirement, you can use the BAdI BADI_IDENTITY_UPDATE. This BAdI is also only available via a support package starting from SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.31. For details on the relevant support packages, see SAP Note 1750161. To implement the BAdIs, use the transaction SE18; there you can also see the example class CL_EXM_IM_IDENTITY_UPDATE. For the BAdI BADI_ IDENTITY_UPDATE, you must implement the SAVE method to the IF_BADI_IDENTITY_UPDATE interface.
Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.
Therefore, this function requires a high degree of understanding for the adjustments that are running in the background and is therefore only available as a pilot note.
For this extension, you need a kernel patch.