SAP Authorizations Installing and executing ABAP source code via RFC - SAP Basis

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Installing and executing ABAP source code via RFC
In the simulation overview you will now receive all the information you already know from the authorisation maintenance in the transaction PFCG. The results are presented in a table where each row corresponds to a value interval of a permission. The Object column specifies the authorization object. Use the Active/Inactive column to determine if the permission has been disabled. The Maintenance Status and Update Status columns provide information about the status of the permission and how the permission has been updated. In the Permissions Comparison column, you can find out what exactly changed on the permission, such as whether a permission has been deleted or added anew, or whether the field values in the permission have been updated. You can find information about the field values in the Value Comparison column, which shows whether values have remained the same, whether they have been added or deleted. The values that were actually deleted and added can be seen in the columns from Value to Value (see figure next page). Please note that this is only a simulation. You must still perform the actual mixing process in the permission maintenance. Because reel mixing is not only a factor in upgrade work, the transaction SUPC also provides the ability to call this simulation mode. In the overview of the selected rolls you will find the button Mix which simulates the mixing process.

The downloading of the table must be monthly. You can also make downloading easier; Frank Buchholz presents programmes that you can use in his blog (see Optionally, the next step is to identify function groups for the function blocks. You can find them in the AREA field of the ENLFDIR table. However, we recommend granting permissions at the function block level, because function groups often contain a large number of function blocks and the accessibility is expanded unnecessarily.
SAP S/4HANA® migration audit
Other dangers include admins simply copying user roles, not having control processes for permission assignments, or not following the processes over time. In this context, two things should be clarified: Which SAP user is allowed to access which data? How do the roles differ (especially if they are similar)?

However, you can also use the proof of use in the authorization object maintenance to search for specific implementation sites. To do this, open the authorization object in the SU21 transaction. Open the proof of use via the button and a pop-up window appears for querying usage modes (for example, using the affected authorization object in programmes or classes). After making your selection in the Usage Proof, all of the affected implementations will be tabulated. Double-click to access the relevant code locations.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

Finally, you need to activate your validation via the OB28 transaction.

Since the use of this functionality requires extensive knowledge about the Security Audit Log, it is important that you also consider the recommendations in SAP Note 1941568 and that you can be supported by a basic consultant.
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