SAP Authorizations Make sense in maintaining proposal values - SAP Basis

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Make sense in maintaining proposal values
The SAP authorization concept
This function was not part of the standard delivery. With the support package named in SAP Note 1860162, the transaction SAIS_SEARCH_APPL is now delivered. This transaction allows you to verify that other applications have startup properties similar to those available in a particular application. For example, we searched for applications with similar functionality as the PPOME transaction provides.

The Security Audit Log now also logs events where the runtime was affected by the debugger. New message types have also been defined in this context. To install this extension, you will need a kernel patch. For the fixes and an overview of the required support packages, see SAP Notes 1411741 and 1465495.
A complicated role construct
As a second way to automate the mass maintenance of role pipelines, we mentioned the use of business role management. Various solutions are offered on the market that offer this functionality in the same or similar form. Some of these solutions do not use the derivation concept; This has the advantage that the organisational matrix is not limited to organisational fields. However, the major deviation from the standard functionalities of the PFCG role is detrimental to this variant.

A separate programme - a separate permission. What sounds simple requires a few steps to be learned. Do you want to implement your own permission checks in your own development or extend standard applications with your own permission checks? When implementing customer-specific permissions, a lot needs to be considered. In this tip, we focus on the technical implementation of the authorisation check implementation.

However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".

This can lead to undesirable behaviour, especially if the parameter for the validity of the initial password is set.

For details on the relevant support packages, see SAP Note 1750161.
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